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Oasis Resource Management
oasis resource management services

Hong Kong's Quality Migrant Admission Scheme (QMAS)

  • Entrant Scheme to attract highly skilled or talented people to enter & remain in HK
  • Applicants need to meet, set Pre-requisites
  • Pass Points test-either General OR Achievement
  • High scoring applications are selected in a selection exercise by the HK Department of Immigration within a quarterly quota
  • Approval-in-Principal Letter given for Interview in HK
  • Attend Interview with original documents
  • Entry Visa / Work Permit granted for one year
  • Can bring spouse & children under 18 to HK

Indians in Hong Kong

  • Current estimates put the number of Indians in Hong Kong at about 35,000 of whom nearly 23,000 hold Indian passports
  • With Asia-Pacific, China and India becoming the happening economies, gaining any kind of expertise or experience around them adds a lot of value to your resume and opens several opportunities.
  • Due to their long presence in the territory, Indians have been able to integrate themselves into the mainstream of Hong Kong life, as can be seen by the number of second - and third - generation persons of Indian origin who speak fluent Cantonese and feel quite at home in Hong Kong
  • The majority of Indians in Hong Kong are traders, with strong cultural and social links to India. They have traditionally been intermediaries for trade between China and the Middle East and African countries
  • However, in recent times, a large number of Indian professionals are coming in, giving rise to a new generation of Hong Kong Indians
  • Indian professionals in banking, finance and Information Technology sectors have contributed to the strengthening of the Indian community, as they exert an important influence not only in Hong Kong, but also in international circles

Career Strategy: Why Hong Kong?

A job abroad can give your career a big boost. Foreign experience shows bosses that you're unusually adaptable and versatile. It can put you on a fast track for advancement. With Asia-Pacific, China and India becoming the happening economies, gaining any kind of expertise or experience around them adds a lot of value to your resume and opens several opportunities. Working in Hong Kong adds great value to your resume as you would have interacted with China, India, Asia Pacific, Europe and the Gulf in some way or the other. That is why a stint in Hong Kong will add a lot of mileage to your career that very few of your colleagues will be able to boast of.

Job Opportunities

  • Age
  • 18 or above
  • Financial requirement
  • He/she is capable of supporting and accommodating himself / herself and his/her dependants, if any, on his/her own financial resources without relying on public assistance during his/her stay in Hong Kong
  • Good character
  • No criminal record or adverse immigration record in Hong Kong or elsewhere
  • Language proficiencya
  • Proficient in written and spoken English
  • Basic educational qualification
  • Good education background, normally a first degree from a recognized university or a tertiary educational institution

Points Based Test

In addition to meeting all Pre-Requisites applicants have to pass one points based test : General Points Based Test OR Achievement Points Based Test

General Points Based Test is based on

  • Age
  • Academic Qualifications
  • Work Experience
  • Language Proficiency
  • Family Background

Minimum pass mark: 80 points of 165

Achievement Based Points Test ( Points awarded 165 or 0 )

  • For those with Exceptional Talent
  • For those with Outstanding Skills
  • For those who have won state / national / international awards
  • For those who have made a significant contribution to their field


Before we accepts your case for processing, we must be certain that you earn enough points and are able to provide documentary evidence to make a successful application. Before you apply for it, you must be certain you actually qualify. Our processing team does a detailed review of your profile & assesses your education, your institution and personal finances to determine if you are eligible apply for Hong Kong immigration. If you score the necessary points your application is accepted for full service & processing.

Our full service & processing

Use our professional services to apply for your Hong Kong immigration. We have the experience of having processed cases from all over the world. You can count on our experience and success Our terms & conditions are clear along with a transparent system & clear policies. We only accept applications that we are confident of success. You have to first sign up for an evaluation & score 80 points before we accept your case.

Our full service & processing includes:

  • Starter Kit
  • Complete Application Processing
  • Forms, Documentation
  • Updates & Follow up with you
  • Airport Pickup*
  • Accommodation Assistance*
  • Relocation Orientation
  • Job Search Assistance*

These services are provided at an additional cost

Disclaimer is not a placement agency or a recruitment agent. We only do your visa documentation, and advice and assist you with marketing your resume to potential placement agencies & employers in Hong Kong with the use of internet technology. We do not guarantee or arrange for jobs. We do not deal with fraudulent documentation / information submitted by clients should be genuine.

Contact us to explore the available opportunities today
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